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Contact Us & Directions

Reid Temple Christian Academy

11400 Glenn Dale Boulevard

Glenn Dale, MD 20769


Main Number: (301) 860-6570

Directions to Reid Temple Christian Academy

Carline, Parking and Late Arrivals

Carline 1 - Pre-K2 through 1st grade scholars (Academy door entrance)

Carline 2 - 2nd – 8th grade scholars (enters from route 193 only)


Carline one and two will receive students from 8:00 am to 8:15 am. Any student who arrives after 8:15 am will be considered tardy and must remain in their vehicle, in the parking lot on the side of the Academy, until the late arrival pickup times. Please walk your child to the Academy door at the designated late arrival pick up times: 8:20 am, 8:45 am and 9:05 am. A RTCA or RELC staff member will come down to escort your child to their respective classes. Please note that all tardy students arriving after 8:15 am will be received at the Academy door. We thank you in advance for your commitment to ensure your child arrives at school on time daily.  


This is a gentle reminder that the school day ends at 3:30 pm for all scholars. Parents should arrive between 3:25 pm and 3:45 pm to pick up their scholar. Please announce your arrival through the PikMyKid app. Aftercare scholars should be picked up by 6:00 pm. 

RTCA Building_edited.jpg

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